In light of the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we would like to update you on the steps we have taken. We continue to closely monitor the advice provided by Public Heath bodies and have undertaken a review of both our operational practices as well as our Business Resilience Plan in order to reduce the risk to our staff and customers from this highly contagious infection and ensure business continuity.
We have introduced additional hygiene protocols for our engineers which includes:
In total we have 22 field engineers, so should several members of the service staff unfortunately become unwell, we have the capacity to reallocate engineers from other areas.
Tel: 028 9040 1466
All our staff are equipped to work remotely with a secure infrastructure and an operational contingency plan in place. Account managers will continue to be available to support your needs and can be contacted via email of by contacting the office on 028 9040 1360.
We have invested significantly in the amount of consumables and hardware being held in stock which, at our current usage rates, amounts to 6 months of supply across all models.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update and you can be assured that we will do everything we can to protect your office and maintain the smooth operation of our support to your business.
We hope you and your colleagues stay safe and well.
David and Robert Calvert